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Friday, November 28, 2008
7:27 PM
by Angie Schultz
Foto Friday: Fog Bow
Fogbows differ from rainbows in that the water droplets in a fogbow are much, much smaller. See here for more than you ever wanted to know on the topic, and a gallery of images. Don't miss the eerie Finnish car fogbows! I have got to get me a wider-angle lens. The 28mm just ain't cuttin' it. It can't get all the bow. I looked into the cost of switching to digital: about a grand, minimum. Two for the camera I'd really want. Did I mention that doesn't include lenses? It doesn't. I could save my pennies until I can afford a digital camera, or I can buy a new lens for my 28-year-old camera -- cost: about $400. Decisions, decisions. Yes, Canon FD lenses, around 20 years old now, can still go for $1000 or more. A 17mm f/4 lens is about $400. I mention this only because I have nothing else to say about this photo. Look! Fog! Labels: Foto Friday, Hawaii Friday, November 21, 2008
7:35 AM
by Angie Schultz
Foto Friday: The Return
Finally, finally got around to sending off my film. Got it back last week, lotsa good stuff. Hope you don't overdose on beauty. I'm a little wary of posting anything that needs its colors fiddled with. I haven't got my big monitor set up, and the colors on the laptop monitor are kind of iffy -- not to mention dependent on the viewing angle. I'm afraid I'll over-compensate. Of course, there's no telling what it'll look like on your monitor. Anyway, this one was colorful enough without much twiddling. Did I say you'd get sick of Maui? As Tom Selleck used to say: You |