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Friday, October 03, 2008
3:53 AM
by Angie Schultz
Now It Can Be ToldMichael Totten blows the lid off the Biden Gaffe-O-Matic. During the debate, Biden said,
To which Totten replies,
That's it! Totten has stumbled onto the fact that Joe Biden is from another universe. President FDR going on TV during the '29 crash? In this timeline, no; in Joe's universe, yes! In Biden's universe, Chuck Graham can walk. In Biden's universe, the Constitution is slightly different. In Biden's universe, Neil Kinnock plagiarized him. And so forth. Whether he is an unfortunate inadvertant traveler (see Miriam Allen deFord's "Slips Take Over") or the agent of a hostile entity (see Charlie Jade) is as yet unknown. (Frankly, since 9/11 I think we've all wandered into Murray Leinster's "Sideways in Time", and haven't realized it.) Here is a list of situations that obtain in Biden's home universe. Maybe we should start a massive research effort to see that he gets home OK. Labels: Fools of Our Planet