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Friday, April 11, 2008

Noontime in the Garden of White and Dark

If I weren't using the laptop, I'd know what this picture looks like. As it is, it changes every time I move my head. So it might suck. Deal.

Terry Hershey Park
Houston, December 2007

This is just a tree with some moss. I took a bunch of pictures in Hershey Park just before Christmas, using some filters I'd been acquiring over the fall. They didn't turn out as nicely as I'd hoped. According to my notes, this one was taken with a dark green X1 filter and a Nikon Soft 2. The X1 darkened the sky quite a bit but let the trunk and the leaves at the top shine bright white.

Houston doesn't boast a whole lot of stunning scenery. My present environs are a little different. I've been lugging my camera nearly everywhere recently; maybe in a few weeks I can post some local pictures.

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