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Tuesday, November 27, 2007
1:07 PM
by Angie Schultz
Weapons of Mass DessertionThe other day Instapundit thought he was being funny:
Oh, like who didn't know that spotted dick was a British dish, and not an embarrassing medical condition (not that there's much difference -- ba dum dump!). Here's a quiz: which of these is NOT a type of British food?:
Give up? Good. Because they all are. Ha ha! But this part is disturbing: you go[1] to the Amazon page that Glenn linked (for the six pack of spotted dick), and you get "Customers Who Viewed This Item Also Viewed..."
Perhaps the uranium ore is used to treat the spotted dick. Read the reviews. Here's a sample:
Did Saddam Hussein know about this? [1]Rather, if you went yesterday you could see this. Apparently Glenn has craftily arranged to obscure the sinister uranium-spotted dick connection. Right now, uranium-viewers are exhibiting a positively creepy penchant for lacy underthings. Mahmoud, you scamp!