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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Day

Every year around this time I find myself thinking of a gigantic essay I want to write. It will contain bewilderment, anger, and contempt. And sorrow. But that always seems the least of the emotions.

And every year around this time I weasel out, because there's too much to say -- too many anecdotes to relate, too much stupidity to mock. And too many other people have done it before.

So I'll just point to those more energetic souls who are carrying the load.

Murray Hill has not forgotten.

Cox & Forkum have, as usual, an appropriate cartoon, and a story.

Rantburg has a hatful of stories.

Rantburg's fearless leader, Fred, notes something I remember thinking at the time: that all the talk about "things will never be the same again" was just so much moonshine. Things were the same again almost before Christmas. (Except for the murdered, of course.)

Remember fondly those golden days before the Iraq war, when people were 100% behind the President and united against the terrorist threat. In some other universe.

Hot Air has some hard-to-watch video.

Jonah Goldberg rewrites history:

If I had said in late 2001, with bodies still being pulled from the wreckage, anthrax flying through the mail, pandemonium reigning at the airports, and bombs falling on Kabul, that by ‘07 leading Democrats would be ridiculing the idea of the war on terror as a bumper sticker, I’d have been thought mad.

I guess it depends on what you mean by leading Democrats. The leaders may have had the sense to wait for a few months, but there were some trailers (e.g. C. McKinney) who were keen to identify the real evil (hint: not Osama) within weeks.

In the end, by the way, Goldberg returns us all to our comfort zones by blaming Bush. Ahhhhh. That's better.