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Tuesday, June 12, 2007
10:44 AM
by Angie Schultz
Foto Friday:World's Best ViewI believe that this -- in the face of some stiff competition -- is my favorite view in the whole wide world:
Pu'u Kukui is the extinct volcano that makes up the western end of the island of Maui. Some web pages say this means "Hill of Light", which I guess is more romantic-sounding that what I thought it meant, which is "Candle Nut Tree Hill". Although I suppose if you burn candle nuts for light, it's the same thing. Candle nuts are those big black nuts you sometimes get in leis. They are extremely butch, so a modern manly man can wear them instead of a femmy flower lei. Also, they're cheaper and last longer. This is a mystery photo. For a long time I've had a picture of Pu'u Kukui, ready to post, and then a while back I scanned in this (in some ways) better one. The aspect ratio was as you see it there, which would be typical of a panoramic camera. Niles's film camera has a panoramic mode, but my antique scorns such modern frippery. I think there was a scanner glitch, but it made a nice picture. The lesson here is that it is possible to have too much contrast (use those polarizers wisely!). I was transfixed by this view while I was in Maui. I could barely take my eyes off it, even to blog (start at the bottom, scroll up). When I was a girl we lived in hilly Missouri, and I used to sit out on the back porch and look westward over the hills, wondering what was out there, in my future. I used to imagine myself visiting exotic places and seeing exotic sights. Now I (occasionally) go to exotic places, and the exotic sights only remind me of Missouri. I actually get nostalgic for the back porch and the hills, and wish that I was back there dreaming of the future, rather than here living it.