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Saturday, December 16, 2006
10:11 AM
by Angie Schultz
Gangsta WrappersThe Houston Chronicle today published one of those little What-Are-They-Smoking articles in the "star" section (which actually doesn't have a title, just a star), which is what most papers would call their lifestyles section. It's all about how you can get all creative with your Christmas wrapping, if you have just oodles and oodles of time on your hands. And a substance abuse problem.
Yeah, well, unfortunately, this is what they think my "self" is.
As Niles pointed out, if you received something like that in the mail, you'd call the bomb squad to come blow it up. And then there's this nightmare.
All wrapped up in an old mattress cover. These putrid things Remind me of you... By the way, somewhere a drag queen weeps because he didn't think of calling himself Dixie Friend Gay first. And then he realizes that he can call himself Gay Dixie Friend, and he's happy again and goes right out and whips up something like this.
Faaabulous, dahling! You know, inside each of these boxes is a gift certificate for a Big Mac. Remember, friends don't let friends take decorating advice from the lifestyles section.