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Tuesday, September 26, 2006
6:36 PM
by Angie Schultz
Hogpile!You've probably heard about the little ruckus regarding Arizona's new 9/11 memorial. But what you probably didn't know is that Arizona also has a new World War II memorial, and my operatives deep within the Scorchy State have returned with photos: ![]() See also here. ![]() A familiar name appears. ![]() ![]() Wonder if they have a memorial for the Mexican-American War? Other memorial versions: Six Meat Buffet Sean Gleeson Macker's World Iowahawk UPDATE: By the way, one of the panels in the real Arizona 9/11 memorial notes that Avtar Singh Cheira, a Sikh, was shot in Phoenix on 5/19/03. You can read a little about that here. Cheira has recovered, but his assailants were never found. It certainly does sound like a crime motivated by bigotry. But I must point out that, sadly, bigotry existed in the world before 9/11, and will no doubt be with us for some time to come. I couldn't find anything which indicated that this shooting had anything to do with 9/11, nearly two years earlier. ALSO: It should be noted that the backgrounds to images in this post came from the photos by "AZ Patriot" in the Hot Air link, above.