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Monday, October 10, 2005
8:35 PM
by Angie Schultz
Back in August, just after Katrina, Michele Catalano asked the non-musical question:
Well, I had to make that decision, except that I didn't limit myself to five things. I had to limit myself to what I could carry on the plane. Besides my clothes and so forth, what we took was:
I had another couple boxes of rare CDs to take, but they had to be left behind. Along with my postcard collection, Niles's stamp collection (he has every US stamp, he says), and a gazillion dollars in books. Everything like that got dragged out of its place, was waterproofed as much as possible, and put in a safe place. My clothes were thrown out of their cheap plastic drawers to make room for the diaries and postcard collection. The heavy drugstore rack of paperback books was moved from its place by the living room window into the interior of the apartment. Less fortunate books were just covered over with plastic garbage bags in situ. And then, of course, the hurricane was a big non-event and I had to spend days putting everything back. Stupid hurricanes.