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Sunday, May 30, 2004
1:45 PM
by Angie Schultz
Unbearable humiliation! We must avenge this insult to our honor! All signs of the Australian oppressors must be purged from our country, like, uh, like...Fosters! Down with Fosters! And squash the Bananas in Pajamas! And...and...gig the Wiggles! And, um, and...well, I'll have to think about it. I hope this incident has made it clear that the Australian experiment has been one hundred years of miserable failure. These actions show that Australian police are just another bunch of Southeast Asian thugs. Only the UN can possibly hope remedy the quagmire the British have made with their imperialist hegemonic wars. A Wheat-for-Food program must be set up right away. Via Rantburg.