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Tuesday, November 02, 2004
7:52 PM
by Angie Schultz
Via the InstaPundit hive-mind we find this very amusing and informative Guardian article on the trials and travails of foreign media covering the US election. The article begins with the gripping tale of a Sky News crew in Arizona:
At five minutes to live, all the power goes out but they get it back with 60 seconds to spare. Yawn. To hell with that. I want to see Andrew Wilson on the horsey. That wouldn't be, like, hokey and everything, would it? From the sophisticated European media? Naaaaah. It's a man's life in the foreign news corps:
She should have said, "as useful as tits on a boar", for that colorful sound bite. (Not long ago, the Guardian's Jonathan Freedland grumbled that there were still "no votes in Leipzig", though there oughta be, by golly.)
Maybe if you spelled his name right... This just makes you weep, don't it? Imagine John Simpson brushed aside for hamburgers with Lucas McWeewiddle of the Podunk Commercial-Advertiser. Tears are running down my face as I type.
Wow! Illegal! Not like those Iraqi "freedom fighters" and Palestinian "activists", eh? Presented without comment:
Here's the most harrowing part of all, when the intrepid British journos descend into the very Belly of the Beast:
Uh, he makes it selling heroin to Queen Elizabeth? Extracts it from the pineal glands of innocent Muslim babies? Withholds it from the wages of 5,000 exquisite Balinese hookers who slave in the fleshpots of Dubuque in worship of him? Well, probably not. I'm guessing people give it to him. Of their own free will! Shocking, I know.