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Friday, October 22, 2004
6:00 PM
by Angie Schultz
The other day I wrote about the one plot of the modern novel:
So yesterday I saw this article, about how Gabriel García Márquez has published his first book in a decade, and made some last-minute changes because pirates were already selling half-price knockoffs on the street. The book is titled Memories of My Melancholy Whores:
The Guardian elaborates:
Damn. Does no one understand the meaning of quality anymore?
(Nights on end? What did they give that poor child?) Which reminds me of an alternate ending to the modern novel: 4) Dullard learns something everyone else figured out decades before. Author is proud of his insight. 5) Other dullards swoon over the novelist's genius, award him pretentious literary prizes. 6) Public yawns, buys more Stephen King novels. 7) Stephen King sells enough books to buy Colombia.