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Tuesday, August 03, 2004
12:27 PM
by Angie Schultz
Der Commissar has unearthed the 1965 Blogville High School Yearbook, and whaddaya know, you're all in it. Not me. You. Not that I'm bitter. Oh, wait, I am. Not that I need any stupidy stinky pseudo-Soviet bloggers. I can post my own yearbook entry: Angie Schultz [not pictured; you'll thank us] Future Procrastinators of America, 4; Misanthropes' Friendship Society, 3,4; Embittered Loners' Social Club, 3,4; Writers' Bloc, 1,2,3,4; Pres., V.P., Sec., Treas. of Science Club Nobody Else Wanted to Join, 1,2,3,4; Association of Students Who Thought Honor Society Was Lame But Joined It Anyway Just to Wear the Gold Tassel at Graduation, 4; "Miss Information", 4 (You know, I bet if I'd put that entry down on my application to Harvard, they would've let me in, on chutzpah alone. Ah, hindsight...)