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Monday, June 28, 2004
9:11 PM
by Angie Schultz
In today's Houston Chronicle there's an article titled, "Net helps widen rift between left, right: Web sites harden already opposing political positions". It begins:
Gasp! Dissent is crushed! (Er, except for being in the Chronicle.) What is this powerful tool of the Establishment?? It's Free Republic. To be more specific, it's one guy on Free Republic who posted a list of the signers of an ANSWER partition, with the title "Here is the enemy -- they have posted their names". The Chronicle actually tracked down the guy who posted it, who calls himself "Doug from Upland":
Er, ANSWER is a Communist organization, intertwined with the Workers World Party. Or, if you don't trust that fascist rag, the LA Weekly, maybe you'll like this from The Nation better. That's pretty much it for the Erica Anthony-Benavides saga. She's quoted as saying that:
Despite the fact that the article begins with her and is about one-third devoted to her, there's no suggestion whatever that Ms. Anthony-Benavides has been materially injured by her brush with the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy, unless you count getting her picture in the newspaper. There's nothing whatever to show why she should have been chosen to represent those unfairly-labeled "enemies". The Chronicle then turns to the boycott a liberal group is organizing against Rush Limbaugh. Quoth the owner of Take Back the Media, Michael Stinson:
The article finishes up with the saga of "former liberal Sen. Jim Abourezk D-SD" (is he a former liberal or a former Senator?), who's suing the site ProBush.com for putting him on their "traitor list". (The article says the site claims the list is a parody, and it also says so on the list web page, which I suspect is a result of the lawsuit.) So our fair and balanced score is:
Hmmmm. What's missing...what's missing...oh yeah! I know! How about:
[*]definitely parody The rift, as the Chronicle sees it, seems to be entirely the result of conservatives calling liberals traitors. The liberals have apparently been perfect angels, aside from some entirely understandable boycotting of blowhard Rush Limbaugh. Now, I think calling people traitors is a crock, even if they are Commies (though it'd be nice to make an exception for Jihad Johnny Lind, Jose Padilla, and Yaser Hamdi---not that any of those guys are going to face treason charges). But even those cries of "treason" from the Freeper peanut gallery are pretty weak tea compared to the crap that goes on at DU and Indymedia. Oh, the article mentions the DU URL, in a sidebar: DU vs FreeRepublic, and a matched left-right set of boycott sites. See? Fair, and balanced.