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Tuesday, November 25, 2003
9:21 PM
by Angie Schultz
O Courage! O Bravery! Thy name is Dixie Chick. It's the Fearless Trio, again, spitting in the very eye of George W. Hitler. Says Natalie Maines:
When some lackey (probably from Fox News) asked George Bush---President of the United States, Conqueror of Afghanistan and Iraq, Crusher of Dissent, and Destroyer of Worlds---his reply to such heroic statements, he thundered out the following denunciation:
IS NO ONE SAFE IN BUSH'S AMERIKKKA??? Risking certain transportation to Ashcroft's secret gulags deep in the heart of Palm Springs, the Chicks boldly shot back:
How long until the Chicks' emaciated corpses are rotting in a trench grave somewhere? Be of good heart, Natalie, Emily, and Martie, for when the Revolution comes we will melt down Bush's 50-foot golden statues, and recast them in your images! Hospitals, elementary schools, and sanitary landfills shall be christened in your honor, and your names will ring down through the ages, when "Bush" will mean just a short tree. Men of the 4th ID in Tikrit now a-bed will hold their manhoods cheap whilst any speak of the Dixie Chicks.