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Tuesday, October 07, 2003
1:36 PM
by Angie Schultz
All last week, the Bleat (start there) was about Lileks's recent trip to New York to talk to his publishers about upcoming Lileksian goodness. For example, from Tuesday:
Oh, for fun! And I'm glad your little idea was received so well. Now. WHERE'S THE BOOK, JAMES? WHERE THE HELL IS INTERIOR DESECRATORS? I WANT IT. I WANT IT NOW. I did a google search and could not find anything which said that the book was forthcoming, which seems ominous for a book that was supposed to be published this fall. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH IT? It better damn well be out for Christmas, that's all I'm saying. It better be under my tree come Christmas Day, or Someone Will Hurt. ...twitch...whimper...foam...