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Thursday, June 19, 2003
8:04 PM
by Angie Schultz
This just in to Yahoo, via Agence France Press:
So. Has Nader gone completely crazy, or what? An election always needs some comic relief---and Nader on a Republican ticket would be nothin' but---but, aside from the laughter of millions, what would Nader get out of it? Does he somehow believe he has become Spoilerman, able to undermine candidacies at will? Or is his grasp of politics not firm? Perhaps he intends to run on a platform of prayer in the public schools, outlawing abortion under all circumstances, stiffer drug penalties, pornography crackdowns, etc, thereby attracting the rightmost wing of the Republicans (who will, of course, be too stupid to know who he is) and drawing them away from Bush. Or maybe he's just pulling the reporter's leg. Note that "progressive causes" is presented to us naked, with no quotes. Also note that the story's titled "Liberal pariah Ralph Nader flirts with new White House run." Via Hollywood Halfwits.