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Thursday, February 27, 2003
10:30 AM
by Angie Schultz
The Houston City Council, displaying rare cluefulness, has rejected two anti-war resolutions. Most of the members say that foreign policy is outside the purview of the council.
Maybe they should have voted on a resolution condemning terrorism, because any terrorism in Houston will have a direct effect on the city's finances, too. Here we see a sterling example of the governing class in full cry:
I'm not entirely sure what "played by the spin" is supposed to mean, but I'm guessing it means that Ms. Edwards thinks that people are unable to decide for themselves whether or not they think that the city council should spend its time debating war or devising plans for the future Katy River[*]. No, we stand around with our mouths open like baby birds, waiting for the government or the media to feed us our opinions. There were two resolutions proposed, one which opposed "unilateral" action against Iraq (failed 9-5); the other actually encouraged Iraq to disarm, and endorsed war only as a last resort (failed 8-6).
Feed the bunnies! Ice cream for all! Gosh, wouldn't it be great if city councils did nothing but sit around and pass resolutions telling the federal government what to do? It would be like having thousands of tiny Congresses!
Er, how do you know, since they didn't say so publicly?
Somehow, the Chronicle could not find a spokesman for the Houston Coalition for Just Fix the Damn Potholes Already. [*] One of the plans for widening I-10 (aka the Katy Freeway) calls for making what is essentially a giant ditch, with the interstate at the bottom. Since the water table in Houston is about two inches above the surface at all times, low sections flood in even a light rain. Where are those amphibious flying cars we were promised? InstaUPDATE: Man. Now this is the City Council of Greater Gehenna.
Who'd have thought, eh? I didn't realize this:
Here are some other choice California quotes:
I assumed Norse was a council member. Instead, he seems to be some sort of homeless activist, who about a year ago was ejected from a city council member for giving the mayor a Nazi salute. That link appears to be a mailing list archive. Scroll down for a story from the Santa Cruz Sentinel, which has mysteriously disappeared from their archives.
Yet inevitable. I've been in Santa Cruz. Nice town to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. Too many potholes. Via Rantburg.