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Sunday, December 29, 2002
10:40 AM
by Angie Schultz
Hello, Sailor!Wilbur of the Australian blog HighInfidel-itee brings us some cheery news. Read about the dumb letters to the Perth paper (not only wrong, but just plain stupid), then get to this:
I have a second cousin who was a submariner, and he stayed with an Australian family, apparently under this arrangement. They got on fabulously, and he told me that the Australians were just the nicest people on earth. He made sure to see them every time he went back. This was long, long before I went out there. (I hated living in Sydney, and the Sydney Morning Herald did make me grind my teeth, until I stopped reading it---but I must agree that the people are awfully nice. A colleague of mine lived in the country town of Armidale, New South Wales, returning to the US a few months before I left. I emailed him from Sydney to tell him that he was right about the friendliness of the people, and he replied that I should wait until I got into the countryside, where they're really nice.) Via Tim the Oppressor.