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Sunday, October 20, 2002
11:04 AM
by Angie Schultz
American Lies"I'm an American tired of American lies" is the title of this piece from noted pot smoker and bridge climber Woody "Woodenhead" Harrelson. Me too, Woody! In particular, I'm tired of the kind of lies you spout in this Wanker article. But giving it too much attention might suggest that Woody was someone worth paying attention to. I just want to comment on this bit---what Woody would do in Bush's shoes:
"I'd take the rest and pay the people teaching our children what they deserve." Listen carefully, children: You deserve to starve to death in the cold and dark until a terrorist can get around to killing you. Have a joint while you wait. So, what do I get paid for that? Is it as much as Woody got? Also via Damian Penny.