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Monday, August 19, 2002
3:09 PM
by Angie Schultz
Blogger WeirdnessBlogger? Weird? No! You won't find me complaining (much) about Blogger/Blogspot, 'cause it's more or less free. But at the end of my previous post I noted that there was some kind of archive bug. When going to most Blogspot sites, I would be redirected to an archive page that didn't exist. That just started happening this weekend, and I assumed it was some sort of bug that would right itself in the fullness of time. I have available to me Konquerer 3.0 and Netscape 4.75 on my machine, and Netscape 6.2, and IE (newish version) on Niles's computers. The problem only occurs with N4.75, which is of course what I always use, because I've never understood the concept of updating software that works just fine and replacing it with software that doesn't work quite the same and yet takes up more resources and is more annoying. Therefore my computer also runs Windows 95 with Netscape 3.04. I should never have switched from Mosaic. Anyhow, just in case there are more of you clinging to Netscape 4, the archive bug/feature/whatever can be defeated by turning off JavaScript. Remind me to tell you all someday about how JavaScript is Satan's Own Software. It sits at the right hand of IDL.