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Monday, November 05, 2012
1:27 AM
by Angie Schultz
Pillow Fight!On Tuesday, we will decide which soft, squishy, spineless creature will lead our great nation for the next four years:I am talking about Obama or Romney, not the green thing with the teeth. It didn't acquire enough signatures to get on the ballot. Maybe next time. These are pillows/toys in one of those crane machines where you spend $40 in quarters obtaining a $5 doodad. I first saw them at Wal-Mart, but these were at the local grocery store. They have also been spotted at K-Mart. At the grocery store there were several Obamas but only one Romney. I have an even more disturbing picture of this, but it will have to wait for after the inauguration, because it predicts the future! (Not necessarily correctly.)